Saturday, February 03, 2001


I'm waiting for my friend, Shakhira, to come pick me up. She should be here in a few minutes and we'll go pick Diana up. We're going out clubbing tonight! Yay! Haha I don't even know why I'm getting excited about this. Probably because Rakhma n Yazmin are leaving for Australia in the next week or so. So it's kind of a 'last call' thang before they leave. Honestly, I'm not that worked up, I'm just trying to get psyched. I feel kinda tired and not really in the mood. Maybe when I get in the car, I'll feel it. If not I suppose I'll just sit in Barbarran *the place we're going*, and drink pepsi. Otherwise, it's all over the dance floor, bay-bee!

Not much action today. I didn't go to the wedding, stayed home and watched movies instead. My life is too sad, I should have more things going on! Then again, I did planned a laid back weekend anyway. I can't believe it's Sunday tomorrow and then it'll be Monday! Aargh... back to UPM for classes, boooriinnggg classes. Oops, she's here. Gotta run.

Friday, February 02, 2001


Thank God It's Friday!!! I've been sooo looking forward to the weekend. This week has been hell, very stressful, very tiring. I'm gonna use the weekend to just chill n give myself a break from all the nonsense i've been thinking. I had a good nap today, haven't done that the whole week. I'm planning on watching movies this weekend and hang out with friends. I forgot to go to the bank and get some cash *Yikes!* so i'm pretty broke 'til Monday.

A friend will be heading back to Melbourne on the 8th, so that's pretty sucky. My mom wants me to go to a wedding with her tomorrow. I'm not too keen, but I guess I'll go n keep her company. I don't think I've met that side of the family. Should be interesting.

Remember that funny guy, the one who gave me tips on ruining someone's day? He said he has this book called the witch's bible or something and is letting me borrow it. But he gotta mail it to me and for him to do that, I gotta give him my address. I feel dodgy about the whole thing, obviously. He seems harmless enough and I kinda like him with his whole twisted, messed up ways *hahaha* But not like him as in like him, as in a crush thang. That would be majorly tacky! Give me some credit! Anyways, I did provide him with an address he can send it to. Hopefully he doesn't do anything crazy, like show up there or something. *crossing fingers*

I think I detect an addiction to Survivor. I sorta followed the first one, and decided to go all the way with the second one. Surprisingly Kel got voted out. He seems really nice n I thought it was great that he tries really hard to get fish. Not that any of them appreciated it anyway. With him being accused of hiding beef jerky from everyone else, I suppose it was inevitable. Poor guy. Who I'd like to see go is Jerri. Ugh I can't stand her. She was the one who started the whole beef jerky thing, anyway. Until next week...

Thursday, February 01, 2001


Aarghh! I can't believe I forgot about this particular assignment until the very last minute! Now I can't even find enough info to put into it. I'm so screwed. How the heck am i suppose to hand it in at 9am tomorrow? Okay maybe I should start by spending more time scouring the net for bits n pieces instead of here. I need a break ok????

I got a very amusing email today. This guy I've been writing to said something about making your life more interesting by making someone else's life miserable even for 5 minutes, something about a case of insecurities for the victim *hehe* I responded by saying it sounded very appealing. So he gave me "tips". His tales of freaking people out were out of this world. He's either majorly twisted or a genius in disguise. I think I've found a new role model *Haha I'm kidding* He's pretty interesting plus he works as a piercer. Or as he likes to say it "body engineering". Uhh.. or was it somthing else. I can't remember. Whatever.

I have no idea who's reading this. But if by some miracle that I do have a follower, drop me something Back to work... Yucks!

Wednesday, January 31, 2001


Everyday I post things in the same vein. Or should it be in the same mood? The title of my blog should be Pissed Off instead of what it's called now. Oh well...

I don't know why, but things just get on my nerves sooo easily these days. Like people not returning phone calls when I've left like a gadzillion messages. Fine, ignore me. See if I care! Darn, but I do care. That's the problem right there. I worry about what people think about me too much. I get so paranoid when it comes to that, I'll spend endless hours thinking what is it that I've done wrong. Or was it something I said or does that person simply hate me. I guess I don't like the thought of people not liking me. Guess it doesn't help that I act like a bitch towards some people *hehehehe*

Oh screw this. I shouldn't care or even waste time thinking about it right? What in the world has gotten into me?? I think I'll take up something new, like stalking or dedicating atleast 5minutes a day darkening someone's day with a round of insecurities. Theirs, not mine. Sounds like a mission. But, whatever it is.. I still feel shitty and like an idiot over something. I hate it when I try really *too hard, perhaps?* hard to do something, then it results with me looking stupid. That's it!! No more effort on my side. I'm sick of looking like a psychotic doodoo head!

P.S: I gotta start paying more attention to school.

Tuesday, January 30, 2001

Exams, Schmexams...

FINALLY! *whew* The test is over. Surprisingly, with my goofing off and lack of revising, I was able to answer the paper. I suspect my lecturer wants us to just pass the friggin' course so she won't have to teach it anymore. No complains over here hehe =) While waiting to be let in the exam hall, I stood around with a few guys from the class. I don't usually talk to them, no change tonight tho haha One guy was pretty nice to me and he almost seem normal *gasp!* But this other one, I could just kick in the the groin. I hate the way he talked to me. Just now and even from before. Condescending.. That's the only way I could describe it.

He was saying how i never turn up for discussion yet somehow knew when the test was and all sorts of things. No biggie, I know. Then someone asked me if I've found out my scores for the last test. I said no and he decided to chime in. He said something about me not knowing anything and what is IT that I know.. I suppose it was his tone of voice or my mood, but I somehow told him to shut up. Haha pretty amusing on my side. Oh well, I'll see if he took it the wrong way or whatever in class tomorrow. Fuck it, I don't care *evil laugh* As for now, I gotta study for my economics exam tomorrow *which I just found out about a few hours ago* I'm screwed.

Monday, January 29, 2001

More time wasting

Okay, so it's 12 noon and I'm mucking around the net when I have a test to take tonight. Have I studied? Nope. I have the book on my lap though. SO when my mom look at me, it'll seem like i'm studying heheh Oh well, I'll just check my CollegeClub mail, shower and then actually read something from the sucky COBOL book. Yucks.


Suddenly I've developed this horrible itch on my chest. Great, now i can spend the night scratching instead of sleeping. The test I had this morning was splendid! I studied some of the wrong stuff and missed a chapter, so that was excellent. So i decided to drown my sorrows at a friend's place. Went around town looking for a place to have lunch and then spent more time looking for things to do. Later, we proceeded to open our own 'bar'. *You can guess what was involved* So as of now at 11.56pm, I am broke. Plus I don't have petrol in my car. OH and to top it all off, I just received the latest bill for my cellphone. The envelope was pretty thick, after i ripped it open this greeted me : Page 1 of 17. Not good. Perfect end to an absolutely friggin-tastic day. Aarghhh! And they wonder why some people turn suicidal or murderous. Grrrr

Oh crap, I just remembered I have to study for a test tomorrow night. A test, at night. What kind of morons are running my Uni anyway?????? Oh well atleast dinner was fun. Went out with a few friends, had some pretty good chicken rice and laughed like mad. Then the phone bill had to come. Bluergh! They're still charging me for calls made all the way from July 2000, pretty dodgy. Maybe I should call someone and demand explanations. Why the hell am I being charged for calls made last year, when I cleared every friggin outstanding amounts months ago? The world is just begging me to turn psychotic.

Right now, though, I feel like bursting into tears. Majorly stressed out and I'm barely making it in certain areas in life! First thing first, I gotta lie down. My head is spinning from all that Mariachi n Malibu.

Sunday, January 28, 2001

Okay, so.. This ultimately sucked. What sucked? I don't know. Everything I guess. *I'm in a shitty mood. Can u tell?* Arrghhh! I have a test to take in less than 12hrs that I'm just too friggin lazy to study for. Instead here I am, typing words that I know noone would read anyway. Cuz I suck, I have no friends and nobody likes me. Okay, maybe that's a little bit too much. Bah! I don't care if all of the above are true. People are scum. So, I guess that makes me scum. Whatever.

Maybe I should start a blog or something. An online journal that nobody reads. I can't get any sadder than that. *Oh lookie, I already have hehe* Okay, so enough of this self bashing thing. I hate being so stressed out and can't figure out a way to vent. *And my stupid connection keeps dying on me!!* Darn, I really should be studying for my internet programming test tomorrow.

I was thinking just a few minutes ago about sincerity. Do u be nice n talk to someone just because you feel you have to? Or do u just completely blow them off every time you see them? Or does it even matter? I guess it all comes down to wether you 'click' or whatever it is ppl call it these days. Haha I don't even care about this stuff n I'm actually spending time thinking n writing about it. And I should be using this time to try n absorb some of the stuff in my text book. Procrastination is marvelous isn't it?