Friday, June 15, 2001

If it's not one thing, it's another!

And honestly, I'm getting a lil steamed over this. First, the lights went out at home. Like totally, the storm messed up the wiring so we were left to sit *and sleep!* in the dark for TWO nights. Two whole friggin' night. That's 3 days of no TV, music and blogging.

*shakes head* My e-mail inbox was over flowing.

Well, both nights I stayed over at Shakhira's place. So I skipped the whole uncomfortable sleeping-in-the-dark-sans-electricity-while-slapping-away-mosquitoes *hehe* But, I'm home now.

Now, the second floor's still electricity-free. Bottom line, still no air-conditioner. Booooo!

The second thing... is shutting down. Blah! Now I gotta find a new place to store my pictures. Oh, and let's not forget all the backing up I have to do. Sheeeshhhhhhh!!!!

Digweed's tomorrow night. I'm having second thoughts about going. Too exhausted to continue, major details to come.


Sunday, June 10, 2001

What is wrong with me?

I'm feeling pretty down tonight. I don't know what it is. I seem to be feeling super sensitive, everything rubs me the wrong way and even the slightest thing is making me burst into tears. I suppose every single emotion is bubbling up inside me and it just spills over with the slightest tilt. I hope it will be gone by tomorrow morning, I sure hate to face a full day of lectures feeling this way. Heck, I don't even know how I'm gonna fall asleep tonight!

I've been doing some thinking and some of the things are scaring me. I'm terrified of some of the feelings and thoughts I've uncovered. I'm having trouble letting some things go, and I really need to. I sure could use a hug.

I wish I have someone to talk to, really talk to.
I can't bring myself to actually express what I feel to people.
Maybe it's a trust issue.
Maybe I just feel stupid doing it.
Maybe I'm afraid of opening up.
Because I tried once, and I get stomped in places that hurt.
It hurt really bad.

It'll be nice to get everything off my chest.
There are so many thing bursting to get out.
I need to cry, laugh, talk... Just let everything go!
But, how?
Will people laugh in my face?
Who can I tell all these things to?
Will they even care?

I'm so lost.
