Saturday, April 28, 2001

[ change of pace ]

My family's planning on a short vacation to Langkawi, but I don't know if I want to go. See, they wanna stay in the town area, while I'm more interested in the beach zone. I had this whole sitting-by-the-pool-or-beach-while-doing-my-project thing in mind. I checked out the place they were planning on going and how shall I put this... it sucks.

Okay, so maybe it's the family bonding thing that's more important. But I need to get work done too! So why am I blogging instead of working on it? That, I can't answer. Sheer laziness.. Queen of Procrastination, that's me. Plus Armand Van Helden coming down to spin at Movement on the 3rd of May. Aargh!

To top all this off, I'm in danger of losing all interest in school.

I think I'm just going crazy. Even making a simple descision is such a huge matter to me. And that stooopid project is kicking me in the ass!!


Thursday, April 26, 2001


Someone I don't even know is dying. Am I sad? Hard to say. I don't know this person personally but has touched me in so many different ways. So yeah, I do feel emotional.

Her Name is Kaycee. I've been reading her blog for months now. Kaycee has cancer, but her strength and determination is simply unbelievable. She has beaten it twice, but this time there's something else. And it can't be fixed.

There's something wrong with her liver and it's not something she can beat like the last time. In other words, it's taking her life. Kaycee has this love for life that is so amazing. She shines like the sun, her beauty, intelligence and sense of humour has always amazed me.

She's not at all bitter, infact she's thanful for everything and is enjoying every bit of life. Eventhough she doesn't know it, she has taught me not to take the little things for granted, to enjoy life and be thankful for everyone around me.

To everyone that has done so much for me, Thank you and I love you.

I can only imagine how much her family is gonna miss her. It must hurt so much to know that these are her last days. Kaycee's not letting anyone feel sad and she's gone to enjoy the sun. Maybe we should all do the same? *smile*

Tuesday, April 24, 2001

current music : Body to Body - Samantha Mumba
current mood : fazed

I had an interview for a promotional job today. My agency called me yesterday just as I got back from lunch at American Chilli's with Fahmy. I was told of this promotion thang during the first week of May, supposedly handing out brochures and giving out info. So, I thought "okay, I need cash and sounds like an alright gig" I suppose the thing that made me even go to the interview was the name of the events company. It's called Rave Events, so my one tracked mind naturally thought it would involve promoting a party or some cool-ass event.

*gameshow buzzer sound* WRONG!!!

I went to the interview and found out what it's actually about. Let me first state that the office looked like s*@!. Oh and did I mention the pay suck major ass? *nods* Yep, it does. Get this RM7.60 per hour. Hello??? Anyways, the job is actually walking around Bintang Walk *cool place, huge area* and try to get ppl to sign up for this reward points program, all the while telling them how rewarding the program is. A 10 hour shift on crap pay? Umm.. right.

I lost all interest the minute I was told what it involved, so I went through the interview half heartedly. I presented myself well, don't get me wrong. But it was definitely not the best. It brought back the horrific memories of this PC fair I did last year. Same thing, approach ppl with some fake smile and try to sweet talk them into signing up with some lame ass dotcom thang. Blugh.

That was when the sun was up. It rained in the evening, so I spent it reading magazines and trying out this instant pasta thang. I cooked! I cooked! Yeah, okay so it's pre-packed... So what? I'm still proud of me.

Oh, another sucky thing today. I went to pick up this registered mail at the post office this morning. Turns out it's a speeding fine addressed to me. Why? Because the car is registered under moi. 100bucks for going a measly 18km/h over the speed limit. Lame. I don't even know if I was even in the car at that moment. But guess who gets to pay the fine?

I want to dance. I want to go to a club and party. Really party. Dance the whole night without stopping. Like old times. I want!

Sunday, April 22, 2001