Saturday, June 02, 2001

You guys just gotta check this one out. It's a Flash game where you ahve to keep clicking on the ball so it'll stay airborne. It keeps track of your personal best and times you on how long it'll take for you to get 30 hits in a row.

I found it annoying.. but addictive, in some twisted way *Hehe*

Oh and here's another Flash Fun *Heh I came up with that. I'm creative, me* It's an interactive movie type thing. It's called Cubicle Party.

Imma go look for more Flash stuff. Laters...

Friday, June 01, 2001


Thursday, May 31, 2001


I just need to get the hell outta here!!! I am so sick of my life, I need someplace new..I need new people.. I need a new look.. I need CHANGE, dammit!!!

I'm trying to revamp myself, but the workings of nature and fate do not seem to be cooperating with me. Heck, I think it's the bloody University. How the hell am I supposed to attend every single class when they don't supply the correct information??? Here I am, a changed girl, trying to find out about my classes. What do I get? A bitch of a lecturer who wouldn't even look me in the face while I'm asking her questions. What the fuck???? I don't care if she has a fucking PhD. Doctor my ass!

Bah! Tomorrow if they try to screw me up again, I will definitely blow up and say fark to everything.

I wanna move!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 30, 2001


Ever wondered why cows have legs and not wheels? Well, now you get to know why. Funny stuff, check it out.

Hijacking a garbage truck? People are so weird. I mean, why in the world would you want to hijack the damn thing??? Oh well, it's a toss up between being totally stupid or just plain weird. *shrug* Your call.

Finally got my schedule straightened out. I have Wednesdays free and a couple of lecturers are held at night. At night, can you believe it? So, every Tuesday and Thurday, my classes are 9 til 10am and then 8 to 10pm. A start and end to wonderful days!! *sarcasm*

I am sooooo broke.. I can't believe I've spent like 70bucks today alone. And that's in only a few hours and I didn't even go shopping!!! Okay, I bought a refill for my compact and had lunch but that's it. Okay, okay, there's the issue of petrol and paying my mom for the money I owed her. *grumble grumble* I hate being broke!

I'm gonna go watch a movie or something on VCD. catcha later.

Tuesday, May 29, 2001

You have got to visit So You Wanna. You wanna cure a hangover or lie persuasively? It's all there. And check it out you can even have your handwriting analyzed.

Go, Go, Go now!