Friday, March 23, 2001

"It's just one of those days where you don't wanna wake up, everything is fucked, everybody sucks. You don't really now why, but you wanna justify, ripping someones head off. No human contact and if you interact your life is on contract. Your best bet is to stay away Motherfucker, it's just one of those days" - Limp Bizkit

That totally describes certain days, don't ya think? I didn't feel like that today, though. Nothing special today, went to Uni to see my project supervisor and discovered she's on leave *after i drove 30km and climbed the stairs to the 3rd floor. Not fun* So I drove over the see Shakhira. We hung out little while, she played host and served drinks *Hehe* and we watched "The Emperor's New Groove" (the new Disney cartoon) while eating Oreos. Then, ofcourse, I went home.

A pretty empty day, I suppose. Oh oh, except that I had McDonald's for lunch. I love the stuff =) And I watched Get Over It before I left for Uni. Pretty funny, and good to watch if you're in the mood for some no-brainer stuff.

current mood : chillin'
current music : expose - i'll never get over you getting over me

Thursday, March 22, 2001

Ladies Night

I went out with my friends last night. Wednesday night = Ladies night. Surprisingly, Barbarran was pretty empty. Not majorly empty but the crowd was definitely smaller. We split a bottle and had a good time with each other. By that, I mean sitting around talking n laughing and all that.. Get that dirty thought outta yer head! *Hehe* The night generally involved Diana being bugged, a puking incident, laughing, a cute waiter, Shakhira playing bodyguard and polishing off drinks. So, it was pretty good.

I'm supposed to hand in my project's proposal tomorrow at 3pm. Have I started? Noooooo.... Maybe i'll write it tomorrow morning. But the freakin' printer has no ink. I'm fucked.

Tuesday, March 20, 2001

. . b u R p . .

I just had a late dinner, so now i'm majorly stuffed. Why is it that when u wait til the last minute to eat, you tend to eat more? Whatever it is, the chicken rice I had was superb! Yum ;-)

Nothing much to write today *can you tell? When I start talking about chicken rice, I must be majorly bored* I went to Uni today and met up with my project supervisor. She wants my project proposal on Friday. Okay, so now's a majorly good time to think up a kick-ass system for me to build. I was thinking of making some clubber's card system type thing. Like when someone comes to the club, they key in the membership number, or something, and all their info are displayed. So if there are any reservations or prepaid covers, it's all there. Hmmm.. doesn't sound as good as I thought. Oh well, I'll think of something.

Monday, March 19, 2001


That's right. Blah. I'm getting pretty pissed with Blogger. It seems to get fuctup all the time. This time, I don't know where the hell my archives went. Less than half of it is displayed on the main page. Oh well... whatever. I have no time for this. I'm seriously considering switching to Live Journal. *Grrrrr*

QOTD (Quote Of The Day) :
May you be in heaven half an hour before Hell knows you're dead

*hehehe funny shit. Ok, so i swiped that from someplace*
*This cracked me up!*

Best T-Shirt Sayings

  • "Filthy Stinking Rich... Well, Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad"

  • "I Used Up All My Sick Days... So I Called In Dead"

  • "Husband And Cat Lost... Reward For Cat"

  • "Happiness Is Seeing Your Mother-In-Law On A Milk Carton"

  • "Just Give Me Chocolate And Nobody Gets Hurt"

  • "Learn From Your Parents' Mistakes... Use Birth Control"

  • "If God Had Wanted Me To Touch My Toes, He Would Have Put Them On My Knees"

  • "If You Can Read This... Kiss A Teecher"

  • "Wrinkled Was Not One Of The Things I Wanted To Be When I Grew Up"

  • "If You Remember The '60s, You Weren't Really There"

  • "Procrastinate Now"

  • "Rehab Is For Quitters"

  • "My Husband And I Married For Better Or Worse...
    ...He Couldn't Do Better And I Couldn't Do Worse"

  • "The More I Learn About Women, The More I Love My Harley"

Sunday, March 18, 2001

I wanna go skydiving!

: : b 0 r i N g : :

Guess that says it all. I'm bored. Very bored. Okay, maybe i should be thinking up stuffs for my project. But that's *all together now* boooriiinggg. Bah! I'm too bored to write about how bored I was on this ridiculously boring day.

I was looking at some Blogs and Live Journals today. They're pretty good, with the designs and everything. Maybe when I get past my lazy phase, I'll do something about mine. I really need to de-stress. So far I've got 2 things on my mind *gonna pick one* First, get away from everyone. Y'know, like disappear for a couple of days.. probably stay in a hotel someplace. Second, spend shitload of cash on new stuff. There's this digital camera + mp3 player I've been eyeing. So, who knows. I'd much rather have a new toy.. But I'm also getting sick of my house *shrug*

Oh well, I'll go now. Man! It sure is hot these days... phewww