Saturday, August 04, 2001

Just got back from Bangsar with Shakhira. We hung out, talked and entertained ourselves observing the crowd. First, we head to Echo and had a couple of drinks there, then headed to bar-zar. Oh, here's what happened in Echo.

There we were, sitting way inside, right near the DJ *avoiding the crowd* Minding our own business and stuff like that. Then suddenly this guy came up to our table and asked if we were alone or waiting for friends. Shakhira turned to him and said we're waiting for friends. He asked if they were friends or boyfriend. Obviously she said boyfriend. He was like "Oh too bad. See, I have this friend upstairs and we're pretty bored. And it's to early to start partying, so I thought maybe you'd like to join us" I just sat there and sipped my drink while Shakhira dealt with him *Hehe*

So, anyway, she was like "no no, we're leaving. We're just waiting for my boyfriend to get here" He made this face and said something about he doesn't usually do this, but since they were feeling pretty bored they thought they could have some company. After he left, we sat there stunned. Actually I was stunned and Shakhira was laughing on how stupid that guy was.

I can't believe someone would just walk around a place and just approach girls like that. What? They expect that to work? *LoL* Guys are such weird creatures. "Oh, I don't usually do this" Right. And I have squirrels crawling out my ass. Oh well, atleast it was pretty amusing.

A note to the boys : That only works on certain kind of girls. The ones in icky clubs, y'know the type. And if you're in Bangsar, I doubt you'd have a high success rate.
I knew certain things seemed a little too good to be true. The moment I let my wall down, crap comes flying in. I should've just left it up. It's always been up, whatever possesed me to let it down I'll never know. No, wait. Maybe I do. Stupid, stupid me.

Life is just crap, ain't it? I'm sick of looking at it through these so-called rose coloured glasses *tosses them out* Not to say I think the world's all baloons and cheese cakes, I'm 22 not 2. But, right now, I'm really getting sick of everything and definitely looking at everything in a very, very vicious way. Yah, that's right. I'm anti-everything, I hate everything and will not hesitate to attack.

By the way, I still will not put up with close minded thinking and overly-critical people. Those.. I despise with some seriously unhealthy passion.

Friday, August 03, 2001

Unisex Lingerie?

Hilarious stuff. But, yet, highly disturbing. *shudder*
Friday night! Friday night! Or Saturday morning, whatever. Some of my friends are out, I'm at home, obviously. I dunno, I don't feel like partying much these days. Besides, I have an exam on Monday. Gotta study!!!

Nothing much today. I went to class in the morning, went over to see Shakhira at Diana's place, took her to lunch, got fined for not displaying a parking ticket *suck ass!*, had a little fun with some stuff and she hitched a ride with me to work. Her S40 was sent for servicing and she had to have her front wheels replaced. When we picked it up in the evening, she went on and on about how smooth her car is now. She told the guy to have the car in tip-top condition, and apparently he did just that *Haha*

Anyways, I can't be long. I need to channel my mental alertness towards education, gotta get studying for the exam. I've been having too much fun lately and I do not want to see it reflect on my results. Ulp.

Thursday, August 02, 2001

Wow, been a while. I've been swamped with mid-terms and assignments. Actually, I've too busy reading up that I haven't gotten around to completing every single assignment. I am majorly screwed. And I still haven't cleared up that class registration mess. Crap crap crap!

I've a full day of lectures tomorrow, so that's gonna be pretty tiring. I don't know what's happening with this weekend. He hasn't called to re-confirm and I'm too chicken to call him. I think it's because it's not his cell *it's his roomie's* I don't want the guy to get annoyed or anything. Paranoid, maybe.. but I have to say I've gotten annoyed when something like that happened to me. Y'know, someone calling asking to speak to someone else, as if it's not even my phone. No, I'm being selfish.. But when it happens like a gadzillion times, it will get a tad irritating.

Hmm.. maybe I'll give him a buzz tomorrow or something. If I manage to find the time, that is. Damn lectures =P Other than that, I gotta get myself prepared for Monday's exam and catch up on school work. I have 3 overdue papers, I'm too swamped. Not fun.

Monday, July 30, 2001

According to this site, Girls Suck. Sheesh! Interesting read, though.

I also ran accross this disturbing piece of article. An amusing read, but I think it's more proof how messed up people are these days. Read how this guy is selling the rights to his child's name to the highest bidding corporation. Basically, his son would probably be called Clorox or Toilet Duck or something.

Well, I gotta get dressed, run a few errands, study a little, late lunch and head to class. Big woop... not!
Monday will somehow find a way to suck really bad. I started off a-okay, woke up, showered, got to class with plenty of time. Everything seem to go just fine, nothing out of the ordinary. Then, just as my first lecture ended. I realised my name wasn't on the attendance list. No worries, I thought, I'll just let the lecturer know. No biggie. *gameshow buzzer sound* Wrong!

I went up to her to let her know, and she went through the list again. Then she looked at me and said, "Your name's not here. Are you sure you're in the right class?" What the....? It's not a particularly good feeling to be questioned like that, let me tell you that. Sheeshh, it's like telling me I've been going to the wrong lectures for half a semester. Dammit! It's my final semester, and I'm not letting anything lame like this mess it up for me. *sigh* Looks like I gotta get this sorted out. I hate this.

Other than that, nothing else worth mentioning. Just that whole name-list bullshit, it's frightening me, that's for sure! *Haha* I'm thinking about Sunday, though. I hope I don't chicken out of this one. Yeah, I chickened out of something before *Don't ask me why* Regrets? Not really, but it left me wondering and missing an opportunity to catch up with someone from the not so distant past. Anyways, I'm kinda looking forward to this one. Should be fun. Uh-huh.

Sunday, July 29, 2001

HumansForSale says.....

"You are worth exactly: $1,492,846.00."

Any takers? =P
The 24-hour Blogathon is on! I thought of taking part but with my exams coming up and everything, I don't have time to blog every half hour for the next 24hours. I'm not keeping tabs on everyone that took part, but my favourite is Kristen. She's Aussie and into punk, her blogs are pretty amusing. Check her out.

Oh, check out HumansForSale and find out how much you're worth. Check that out and lemme know how much your worth is on my message board. Come on, people, let's compare! I'll post my worth on my next post.

I went to Malacca today, Shakhira wanted to visit her sister (who's in a boarding school there). Road trip! *Hehe* We had lunch there, did a lil walking around like tourists and then, found ourselves being followed by a weird-ass guy.

I saw him when we were about to go into this arts-and-crafts place, and when I turned around I realised he had followed us in. At first, I thought he's some pickpocket/purse snatcher type person, so I made sure Shakhira and her sister's bags were safe. Then when we left and walked towards the car, I noticed him following. I called out to Shakhira and made her stop and walk back towards me. Hah! The creep slowed down too. Shakhira said she saw him too, and we made our way back to the store. I looked back and saw the guy crossing the street and looking back at us. Once we were safely back in that crafts place, she said she saw him unzipping his pants. Eeeuwww!!

After a few minutes, we made sure he wasn't anywhere near the car and ran like mad *Haha* As we were leaving, we saw him following a couple of Japanese tourists. One of 'em stopped and, last we saw before we drove off, he was talking to the weirdo. We couldn't stop cuz of traffic, besides, we were freaked beyond our minds! Other than that, it was a good trip and we made it back safely.

Oh yeah.. how could I forget this! *smacks head* HE CALLED! Who you ask? Well, this guy who I've been wanting to meet up with again. Yeah, he's pretty cute and I kinda met him during my partying-and-clubbing-every-week phase. A very nice surprise. We kinda made plans to meet up next weekend, but I told him to call me again to re-confrim. Am I excited? I suppose =P

I'll defintely update on that one. Woo-hooo!