Thursday, October 25, 2001

Crap. That's what the connection is : pure crap. It's so slow! It took forever to load Blogger. *grumble grumble*

I'll be out of town for a few days. The whole weekend, infact. I've got work at Bukit Merah Laketown Resort, which is up north, and we're leaving early tomorrow morning. I still haven't finished packing. Heck, I haven't even started!! *Hehe* I took out the bag, picked a tee and some undies and... well, that's as far as I got. My bed's covered with clothes and stuff for the trip. I gotta decide on what to bring soon. I'm gonna pack after Friends. I promise.

I don't think I'll have access to the net, so no blogging. I'm gonna dedicate a whole entry on the weekend. Mostly for myself, and probably so all 1 of you who reads this stuff will know about all the fun =P It's gonna be at a waterpark, so it's definitely gonna be a blast. We can wear shorts, so that's cool (not the skimpy type, though). Yep, I've got my sunblock, tunes for the drive (my own personal listening pleasure *evil chuckle*) and clothes for the gym time I'm hoping to get.

Anyways, I'm gonna leave you with some links. I gotta go make a list of what to pack so I wouldn't forget anything. Call time is at 9am *yikes* Somehow, I doubt I'll be getting much sleep tonight, if any. Imma go now.

Here are the links :
1) Awwww.. this is just too cute! (WTC related)
2) Apparently, The U.S. is being attacked by 7 year olds.
3) We made out in a tree and this old guy sat and watched us dot com

Okay. See ya Monday!

Wednesday, October 24, 2001

I finally went to the bank today. I got up, had breakfast, showered and jumped into the car before I put it off again. I'm such a lazy ass! No, I didn't go running =( I did run up and down the stairs for a bit today. Maybe I'll do it again later tonight.

I've been having this mad-ass craving for food lately, especially salty stuff. I've also found myself watching the clock, waiting for the next time I get to eat. Bad, huh? I'm trying to limit my calorie intake, so everytime I feel like snacking I'll either drink water or munch on fruits. I kinda slipped this afternoon, though. My cousin was making french toast and I had one. But I had her make mine using wheatbread *Hehe* Let's not even mention the nuts I've been muching on throughout the day *Bleh*

Starting from last night, I'll be having salads for my meals (except breakfast). Dinner was a salad (with salt n pepper only) and a bowl of soup with a slice of wheatbread (no crust). Lunch was salad and a few pieces of beef, I couldn't resist the meat =P Okay, it's now 6.30pm and already I can't wait for dinner. Aaarrgh!!! I am soooo gonna blow my diet and prove everyone right : I could never stick to it! Hah. I'll show them. I'm sick of them laughing at me every time an attempt fails. Talk about not being supportive. Toxic.

Now I'm getting all worked up. I'm gonna go keep myself occupied until dinner time. Which, I think, calls for an extra big bowl of greens.

Monday, October 22, 2001

I planned on going running this morning. But it was raining when I got up and didn't stop until 11am. So, had to shelve the plan for a bit. Maybe I'll go tomorrow, I want to go!!

I went to UPM yesterday to get some things settled. Please let all be okay *wishing very hard* Didn't do much after that, just lazed around the house. Falling asleep here and there *Hehe* Went out for dinner with Shakhira at TGIF last night. I resisted ordering the pasta and went with the chicken salad instead. Weird thing was, I still felt like snacking when I got home. Help!!

Well, I gotta go shower and get to the bank. I owe my sister 50bucks and I need $$ for this weekend. I'll be leaving for Bukit Merah Laketown Resort for work Friday morning and will be back Sunday. I wonder how much I will need. I've been spending a whole lot these past few weeks, it's scary. I gotta get a grip.