Saturday, July 21, 2001

Argh! I've been trying to get hold of something since this morning. This is shit. I can't believe I'm going totally nuts over this thing. I've also been trying to get this friend of mine since an hour ago. Another 30minutes and it may just be a lil bit too late. And I'd be royally pissed. At me, though, not her.

Answer the phone, girl!

P.S: I stayed up the hold night last night. Have been on the move the whole day, and finally getting a little sleep at about 2pm and got up at 5pm. Whew, over 30hrs of being awake and all I got was a 3-hour shut-eye. Cool, eh? *wink*

Friday, July 20, 2001

Check it out, 3am and I'm awake. *pheww* Thank goodness it's Friday already, the weekend's finally here! Yay! Oh well, still have a million assignments to get started on and printed *Ack!*

I had a communications class at 8pm just now, it was pretty alright. Weird as it sounds, the class was fun =) I left during the mid-class break, there was like a half hour or so left. This girl I just met said she'll take the notes and settle the group assignment stuff. Cool, eh? We both didn't have a group yet, so we thought of just doing the damn thing together. It didn't sound like a 10-person job. So, we should be okay.

Oops, Fahmy's on the phone. Later

Thursday, July 19, 2001

My house is finally done. Yay! So, now it's time to unpack the boxes and re-arrange everything. At the moment, the only things in my room are the beds, closet and, ofcourse, my computer. I have quite a few stuff planned for my room this time, a new look or something. But, I'm pretty busy right now.. So most of it will have to wait.

Met up with Yazmin last night. A bunch of us went to eat at this place called Mexicana, in Bangsar. We were supposed to meet up at 9pm.. as usual, everyone was late. Except me, I was there super early. Don't ask why. It was a pretty good night, the food was good, the crowd was good... I had to leave at midnight because of class in the morning. I don't know when everyone else left, though.

I really shouldn't be blogging, I have an overdue 18-page assignment to write. Umm.. research actually. Yeah, yeah, I haven't even started. But I will get it done, I promise! So, I'm gonna kiss bloggerland goodnight and start surfing for information *mwah*


Monday, July 16, 2001

I feel... icky. That's right, icky.

I feel as if I'm being kept out of a loop, y'know, it's as if someone's keeping something from me. It's like I'm not being told something, or not the whole story. Weird. But, it's definitely not a good feeling. Maybe it's just me being paranoid or insecure *shrug* I dunno.

Maybe, I just need to sort my thoughts out. It'll be nice to have someone to lend an ear. Any volunteers?
I hate tests. I hate mid-terms. I hate finals. I hate them all. *hehe* I have a test tonight at 8.30pm. Can you believe that? Sheesh.. It should be illegal to have any sort of exams after 5pm.

Oh, on Saturday I went to the movies and saw Evolution. Pretty funny stuff. Gotta love Sean William Scott, y'know, the guy from Dude, Where's My Car? and American Pie. He's too funny.

Oh well, better have one last crack at the book. Gotta score tonight's test. Later

Sunday, July 15, 2001

I wanted to change something, but the template editor will not work! *shrug* Oh well, some other time then.

Since I am not able to add stuff just yet, I just thought I'd post the new link to my photo album. I know, I know, I've put it up before. But just wanted to re-posted it. My blog, I'll do whatever I want on it! *sticks tongue out*

Visual Entertainment


I changed the looks of my blog page, incase you didn't notice. I decided to go for light colours this time. I like the boxes, though I couldn't figure out how to put each entry in a different box. Any ideas? I even thought "what the heck.." and put my photo up. Scary ain't it? *cringe*

Hmm.. Not much really. Just been reading way too much school books =P School starts again tomorrow, big yahoo.. Not! Other updates, my house is being repainted. Almost done. Should be able to move back in my room by end of the week. Can't wait.

Oh and I still want to catch up with that person. I gotta figure out a way.