Saturday, April 21, 2001

Happy Birthday, Fahmy

I am back!!!!

Been a great couple of days. I stayed at Shakhira's place from Thursday night until today (Saturday). Just got home half hour ago. We didn't do anything major, just chilled out and talked. Stayed up late Thursday night watching Pretty Woman on Astro. Slept most of Friday away, left the house only to eat.

Diana came over Friday evening and we went out partying. We had dinner at Hartamas *late dinner* Then off to Barbarran to boogie the night away.

Got to Barbarran slightly after 1am, sat at our usual comfy couch corner and chilled. I went to the dance floor only once with Shakhira and that was later in the night. The song One More Time by Daft Punk was playing, and Shakhira loves the track. Jump around a bit, but mostly we just sat and drank and made toasts and talked about how useless guys are.

Oh yeah, the cute one was there *obviously* He came over to say hello when we first sat down and came to talk to me and stuff like that.

After Barbarran, we dropped by Bangsar for some food. Diana was pissed, majorly pissed, and she decided she wanted to eat. We bought some to take home and ran into Fahmy there. He was out celebrating his birthday with friends. Most of his friends were pissed as well, so things were pretty funny.

All in all, it was one helluva night. I had major fun. But, right now, I wouldn't mind another night of ass shakin' *Hehehe*

Thursday, April 19, 2001

No time to blog. Be back in a couple of days!

*with details, ofcourse =)*

Tuesday, April 17, 2001


I need to get my VB done!! I can't even figure out how to use the darn thing. Visual Basics suck ass. Okay I know, it's not hard at all but I've never used it before. Not even studied it in school. I really need to get a book on it if I want to get atleast the first few parts done by Friday. I need to get started on my report too, my supervisor wants too see the first 2 chapters. Aarrghhh!!!!!!! I'm in such a lazy mood right now.

I don't even know how to start doing the DFD (Data Flow Diagram) I think I may start crying *whimper* Definitely need to go out n get the book tomorrow. And I am sooo broke at the moment!!! Damn it.. I hate being stressed out. I gotta start everything tomorrow. The book is gonna set me back about 75bucks and that's all I have at the moment. I don't even want to go to the bank, I'm beginning to hate that place. I kinda overspent my money today. So no more going out and eating all over the place.

Other than that, nothing special today. Sent my brother to his bowling practice and tuition classes. Had dinner with my cousins and the Shakhira came to join us. She's having some crisis at the moment which I seriously hope would be resolved soon.

Oh well.. bed time. G'Nite!

Sunday, April 15, 2001


Went to Barbarran last night, as planned. Well, not really. We thought the birthday free flow was the whole night. But when we got there at around 1am, it was over. We got a table as usual, funds were kinda limited so it wasn't a night of seeing ppl getting smashed. I danced, I had lollypops and got a pretty good buzz. It was the usual crowd; me, Diana, Shakhira, Kevin plus some of his friends.

We ran into a couple of friends from seconday school, Faiz and Izhan (or Gogo and Ayam as they're known as). Been a while and it was good to be all crazy with them again. Oh and earlier in the night, I got a call from another old friend, Wafi. A suprise, but a nice one =)

Anyways, Barbarran was good. That particular cute waiter was there, obviously. Spoke to him, hugged a bit *Hehe* and had contact in other forms *Hahaha* No, don't worry it wasn't anything major. But it was really nice, though *wink* And then later, I realised I like him. I mean, really like him. It started out as some entertainment or fun thang... so it's like, ooops! I'm hoping he'll call and maybe we can meet up some place other than the club.

I'm still kinda tired. I fell right into bed as soon as we got back to Shakhira's place. I woke up to witness a pretty funny situation and couldn't help but laugh. 4 hrs of sleep last night, so I need to hit the sack earlier tonight. Early appointment with my project supervisor tomorrow.